
Chelsea Mansion Wedding – Mark and Lindsay

 We had been looking forward to Lindsay and Mark’s wedding since doing the engagement shoot of this amazing couple last November! Yes, it was a “chilly” experience to say the least. But knowing that that they could withstand, and in fact have fun, in the frigid winter gust of Dumbo, we knew nothing would stop this couple from having an awesome wedding and throwing a crazy party. Challenges did come up for this couple, and the last minute change of venue was certainly one! But as we tell our clients, when you’re in love and your union is being witnessed and celebrated by your friends and family- everything else becomes minor details in comparison. Our job, as photojournalist photographer, is to ensure that if your special moments unfolds at the garage of your dad’s apartment, we capture the love and energy of the moments and we find ways to capture those moments with grace and art! Far from a garage though, Chelsea Mansion, was an amazing venue. The decoration was great, the view was magical and we were all set to shoot! So here are some photographs from a day when Mark lost his freedom with hash tag #markisnofreeman, the chartered bus with guests was stuck in Manhattan traffic but, above all, a day when Mark an Lindsay completed an amazing wedding!


Weddings are about timeless love, hysterical laughter, radiant smiles, deafening chaos, stifling stress. Most importantly though, a wedding is about the unfolding of a very special story; YOUR story! We strive to document the essence of that story with the unique flavors and subtle nuances that make it truly yours. Our goal is simple yet bold. We want to capture images that will take you back to the special day, helping you re-live the beautiful memories that is wedding =)

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